Nice to meet you!

Congratulations, you found the blog secret book of secrets! I’ll be posting stuff here when the moon vibes tell me to (which is to say: When I feel like it. Maybe monthly, maybe quarterly, maybe only when the moon is blue or something)

You may have noticed the writer of this blogy section is (mostly) my real name! That’s because its not a secret. S.M. Witch is for fantasy, and S.M. Jenkins is for science fiction, which will come when its ready. My actual first name is Sally, which is also not a secret! Go ahead and check the “Books” section of this website if you want to know what I’ve published or what I am working on publishing, but be warned- until I attach a date, there are no promises on when said publication will happen. There will be sign ups to beta-read or for ARCs on all upcoming projects though!

Here, expect unhinged rants, unsolicited advice, pictures of me dressed as something not quite human, unidentifiable limbs of my family, my cats, my horses, and the plant shit that grows at my house (I don’t help it much, but it sure looks pretty!).

For more polished, arty writing, the Free Stories section will have short stories, poems, and maybe snippets, AUs, or cut scenes if any prove worth posting.

Fan Art will feature any fan art, if I get so lucky. If you want to featured there, instructions are on that page.

If you want to send me a message, you’ll find ways to contact me down the bottom of the site. I’ll respond as often as I can manage. If you’re going to be mean, make sure you say so in the title of the email please!